
Freefall Motion


I dreamt once that I walked on air,
standing hundreds of feet up off the streets.
But what I felt wasn't freedom or liberation.
It was a horrible, cold anticipation,
because I knew gravity would catch up with me.
I knew that with every step I took,
I was risking a devastating plummet,
but I kept on, one foot in front of the other.

When it finally hit me, I fell hard and just fell apart
crying, sobbing, kicking and screaming
all while plunging downward
at an acceleration of 9.8 meters per second squared.

Illustration Friday this week is Gravity. Nothing special. Just felt like participating again.


juliemc said...

very nice.

Michelle said...

Nice loose drawing. I love the feeling of falling this gives. Very nice.

SLW said...

Is that a poem by you accompanying your nice drawing? I like it.

Kay Aker said...

Nice drawing!