
More Bunnies

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Graphite. Try to ignore the weird elbows.

So, I've decided that 8AM needs more bunnies. Desperately. Instead of a perpetually cold classroom and a discrete math lecture, there would be warm, fuzzy, hoppy bunnies. Doesn't that sound like a good idea?

I thought so.

I'm a total slob. It's cool. Maybe.



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Painter speedpaints.

Of course I'm not stalling. What a silly notion.


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He's holding an envelope and a platter. There might be some sort of symbolic explanation. There might not.


Obligatory Intropost

Isn't this nice? I like it. Now, anyone can comment, even without an account. It'd be nice if you left your name with your comment, but if you really want to be anonymous, there isn't really all that much I can do about it.

I'm not going to repost anything, for the sake of my sanity, but there is a link to the Xanga over there in the sidebar for anyone who wishes to see the old stuff.

I don't have anything to stick up here today, but I'll try and get around to it sometime soon.