


Tal and Heinrich sit and have popsicles.
Illustration Friday this week is monster.

I had things to say, but I forgot them.


Green Sweater

Graphite, markers, colored pencils.

I know he's wrong, but let's not talk about proportion today.



Pencil, marker, and colored pencil on bristol.

Illustration Friday this week is Insect. I hope these are insecty enough. The second one on the second row didn't work out as well as I had hoped, but think of a butterfly and go from there. I have ideas for at least another two of these, but I ought to finish my homework for tomorrow before working on them.

Also, Project Runway Finale is on tonight. I'm crossing my fingers for Daniel V.

Edit: Added the last two.


Girlie Post

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I tried doing the Illustration Friday for the week, but that teapot was as far as I got. I wasn't sure where to go from there and didn't really have any other ideas. I'll try again next week.

Also, Massive Fotodump on Flickr. No one is safe.